
Hear From Clients Who Have Experienced Our Care

  • “Thank you very much for helping us and X. You are excellent at your job and we are fortunate to have found you.”

    Parent after testing

  • “I go back to your recommendations every now and then when we pass certain stages and they’ve always proved very useful. So thanks again for your work.”

    Parent after testing

  • “I can’t thank you enough for your assistance in identifying who I am”

    Adult testing client after feedback

  • “We really enjoyed meeting with you last week. It was the absolutely most positive experience that X has had in an appointment. It’s such a relief that you understand them and their true self.”

    Parent after testing

  • “I want to let you know that I have, and I'm grateful for the things I learned in our sessions that helped me become a person who is capable of being a trusting, intimate, self-expressed, joyful, equitable, communicative, interdependent partner.”

    Former therapy client

  • “I love how you use language that doesn’t create barriers to understanding for people that aren’t in the field. I think you’ll be a great support to those families.”


  • “Again I want to reiterate how grateful I am for your thorough assessment. Just having a better understanding of my deficiencies has made me put less blame on myself now when I struggle.”

    Adult testing client after feedback